Happy Hour

Community Beach

The community will provide the main course, please feel free to bring snacks, a side dish or dessert, and your own beverages and chairs.

Happy Hour at the Community Beach

Community Beach

Let's kick off the summer early with a happy hour at the beach. The community will supply the pizza, please bring your own beverages, a side or appetizer to share, and your own chairs.

Food Truck and Happy Hour

Head to the beach this Friday night for the last food truck of the season, Taco Friday. Let's do tacos and happy hour starting at 5:00 pm. We will also be sending our favorite neighborhood golf-carter, Brett, off on a new adventure.

Happy Hour at the Beach

Community Beach

Bring a side or dessert to share, chairs, your favorite beverages, and the main course is on us!

Happy Hour at the Beach

Community Ballfield

Bring a side or dessert to share, chairs, and your favorite beverages and we will supply the main dish.

Happy Hour at the Beach

Community Beach

Bring a side or dessert to share, chairs, and your favorite beverages and we will supply the main dish.